Mobile Radar Unit

Mobile Radar Unit

The Posen Police Department recently purchased a mobile radar trailer designed to monitor speed limits throughout the village limits. Radar trailers have been proven to slow traffic, therefore making our residential streets and neighborhoods safer. The men and women of the Posen Police Department dedicate themselves to the safety and security of the public.

The mobile radar unit will be placed randomly both on residential and main thoroughfares throughout the village to make motorist aware of their speed. The police department encourages residents that are experiencing speeding vehicles in their neighborhoods to contact the Posen Police Department at 708-385-0277. A resident may leave a message for either Corporal Vince Luna or Corporal Kevin Hammond stating their concerns about speeding violators in their neighborhood.

Both Corporal Vince Luna or Corporal Kevin Hammond have been trained in the operation of the radar trailer and will make arrangements to assign the mobile unit to the area in which the resident has a concern. Please drive safely and carefully on our streets.