Of property owned by the Village of Posen

Invitation to Bid

            PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Posen, Cook County, Illinois will receive sealed bids and a Development Plan for the purchase under a successful bid, in the following property:

Lots 5 and 6 in Rexford and Bellamy’s addition to Harvey, being a part of the North Fractional ½

of the Indian Boundary line, and part of the Northwest ¼ South of the Indian Boundary line in Section 7, Township 36 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois

            PIN #’s 29-07-107-046-0000

Address of Real Estate: 14436 – 14438 Dixie Highway-a/k/a Western Avenue, Posen, Illinois

Sealed bids with a Development Concept will be received in the office of the Village Clerk, 2440 W. Walter Zimny Drive, Posen, Illinois 60469 until 4:00 pm Central Standard Time on June 25th, 2024. Bids received after that time will not be accepted. The sealed bids will be publicly opened at the Regular Meeting Immediately following the Village Committee Meeting on June 25th, 2024.

Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing on the outside the name of the Bidder, their address and plainly marked “Proposal Sale of Property located at 14436-14438 Dixie Highway-a/k/a Western Avenue. If forwarding by mail the sealed bid must be enclosed in another envelope and addressed to the Village of Posen Clerk, 2440 W Walter Zimny Drive, Posen, Illinois 60469. In the bottom left hand corner marked “Sealed Bid Enclosed” The Village may consider as non-complying any bid not prepared and submitted in accordance with the provisions herein described and may waive any informality or reject any and all bids. Any bid may be withdrawn prior to the above scheduled time for the opening of bids or authorized postponement thereof.

A contract may be awarded to the highest bidder whose bid is found to be in the best interest of the Village of Posen. The Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Posen further reserves the right to review and study any and all bids and to make a contract award within thirty days after the bids have been opened and publicly read.


Melanie Myers

Village Clerk